Samui? Samui!David's Neighbour's Notizen über sein Leben als Auswanderer auf der Insel Koh Samui in Thailand. Auf Deutsch, und so...


Der “Da Vinci Code” darf nun doch ungeschnitten aufgeführt werden.

The police-affiliated panel is a completely different body from the one that approved the 10-minute cut the day before. It said explanations must be displayed on screen in Thai — both before the movie starts and again at the end — to clarify that the movie was fiction.

Terms referring to Jesus and translated into Thai captions as “Jesus the Fraud” that appear in all scenes, will also needed to be re-edited, or left out.

The decision is regarded as final and local Christian groups said after the meeting that they had accepted it. But Thongchai Pradabthanan-urat, an official with the Co-ordination Committee of the Protestant Church of Thailand, said many people were not happy with the decision in the final round, “but with our democratic spirit we accept it. Everything went through according to the legitimate procedure.” [via The Nation ]

“but with our democratic spirit we accept it”. Klar. Minderheiten brauchen keinen Demokratischen Sprit.