Vor ein paar Jahren hat mir mal ein betrunkenes “Logenmitglied” erzählt, dass die Preise für einen Auftragskiller hier um die 15.000 Baht sind (für Farangs leicht über 50.000) und dass das meistens Muslims sind.
Bei der Bangkok Post kann man nun ein Interview mit einem dieser Auftragsmörder lesen. Er ist ein wenig teurer und Buddhist:
The gunman said he is Buddhist, so the next question was obvious: How does his profession stand with Buddhist teachings that prohibit killing a living being?
“Buddhism is a ‘soft’ religion, not as strong as Islam or others, so I don’t worry too much about it. I don’t have to enter the monkhood,” he said.
Der Gro?teil der Auftragskiller kommt aus ärmeren Gegenden:
He said in his experience gunman were mainly from poor areas. They were typically bad guys or wannabe bad guys.
‘‘They want to be a gangster, to be somebody. Most of them have no education and some start to kill when they are young and continue until retirement. It is easy for them to find a gun and they can learn to shoot in the forest. However, some policemen or military men also become gunmen,’‘ the broker said.
He said there are several hundred gunmen for hire across the country, with most of them living in Chon Buri, Phetchaburi and Uthai Thani provinces. ‘‘I heard that some people manufacture guns in Uthai Thani province which are very cheap, but can kill. In other provinces, guns are imported from abroad.’‘