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Formatters are dedicated layout files for certain variable types. dnb-hugo offers reusable templates for any structural need (two and three column tables or plain printout) and takes over the markup and styling of the output.

The configuration for a single formatter offers the following parameters:

      catch = 'navigation\.MenuEntry$'
      class = 'struct'
      description = ''
      internal = 'map'
      label = 'Menu Entry'
      slug = 'menuentry'
      type = 'navigation.MenuEntry'
      weight = 100
    - catch: navigation\.MenuEntry$
      class: struct
      description: ""
      internal: map
      label: Menu Entry
      slug: menuentry
      type: navigation.MenuEntry
      weight: 100
   "dnb": {
      "debug": {
         "formatters": [
               "catch": "navigation\\.MenuEntry$",
               "class": "struct",
               "description": "",
               "internal": "map",
               "label": "Menu Entry",
               "slug": "menuentry",
               "type": "navigation.MenuEntry",
               "weight": 100
  • internal (required, if no catch or type is used) - Set to map or slice to give a general indicator of the variable type.
  • catch (required, if no type or internal is used) - A regular expression to match on the type. For instance "navigation\\.MenuEntry$"
  • type (required, if no catch or internal is used) - A string expression to match on the type. For instance boolean.
  • class - A type class to define the output format. Not yet implemented.
  • weight - This parameter is used to sort the formatters before they are used to display a variable type. If no weight is given then the order in the configuration is used. First come (based on type or catch) first serve.
  • slug (required) - Filename part for the formatter layout in layouts/partials/debugging-formatters/SLUG.html.
  • label (required) - A title to show for the debugging-table that is used to debug dictionaries and slices.
  • description (required) - A description to show as overlay for the debugging-table that is used to debug dictionaries and slices.

Evaluation of the type is done in the order or internal, then catch, then type. First come first serve.