Samui? Samui!David's Neighbour's Notizen über sein Leben als Auswanderer auf der Insel Koh Samui in Thailand. Auf Deutsch, und so...


Presenting Jintropin — Human Growth Hormone

About Jintropin: Jintropin is the most popular rHGH sold in China. According to IMS, an internationally recognized marketing firm, jintropin is the absolute market leader in China with just over 75% market share.

Jintropin and Lily’s Humatrope use a technology called secretion technology which will produce a 191 amino acid sequence growth hormone, with much less E.coli protein contamination and not any side effects associated with injection, such as red painful welts. This technology also has the advantage that growth hormone produced using secretion technology is very stable; it can be stable at 37C or 98 degrees for about 30 days. While growth hormone with192 amino acid sequence is only stable at room temperature for just a few days.

Seit die Asiaten mitbekommen habe, dass ich auf dem Kontinent bin, spammen sie wie die Blöden die Referer zu. Also bringe ich mal ein bisschen echten Jintropin-Content. Zu kaufen bei mir für, sagen wir, $4 per Injektionseinheit (zuzüglich Versandkosten natürlich)?

Was bisher geschah...